Chat API Challenge


Chat API Challenge

Build a chat API capable of sending and receiving text messages using socket communication and message queues, with an emphasis on real-time interaction and scalability.

We're looking for

  • Well-structured, clean, and readable code that follows best practices.

  • High-quality reusable UI components.

  • Your ability to translate business logic into code.

  • Your eye for design and ability to translate it into functioning code.

  • Ability to implement real-time messaging efficiently.

  • Use of message queues to ensure scalability and reliability in message delivery.


  • Create a Node.js (NestJS preferred) project

  • Use Git (commit your code as you go)

  • Implement functionality to send and receive text messages using sockets.

  • Incorporate a message queue system (RabbitMQ or similar) to handle message delivery.

  • The system should support constant reconnection in sockets

  • Provide a Dockerfile and necessary configurations for running your application in a Docker container.

  • Use Terraform to define and manage the infrastructure required for the chat service.

  • Include a README file with clear instructions on how to set up this project


Feel free to use any additional libraries or tools you think are necessary to finish this task

Submit your code

Send a public link of the project's Github repo to